- Animalia
- Arthropoda
- Insecta
- Pterygota
- Neoptera
- Polyneoptera
- Anartioptera
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773
Dermaptera de Geer, 1773
Nomenclature (80)
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773
- Labidoura Duméril, 1806
- ... Show all ... (76)
- Labidoura Duméril, 1806 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Placoda Billberg, 1820
- Placoda Billberg, 1820 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Trimera Zetterstedt, 1821
- Trimera Zetterstedt, 1821 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Euplekoptera Westwood, 1831
- Euplekoptera Westwood, 1831 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Dermatoptera Burmeister, 1838
- Dermatoptera Burmeister, 1838 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Euplexoptera Westwood, 1839
- Euplexoptera Westwood, 1839 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Dermoptera Agassiz, 1848
- Dermoptera Agassiz, 1848 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Harmoptera Fieber, 1852
- Harmoptera Fieber, 1852 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Euplectoptera Fischer, 1853
- Euplectoptera Fischer, 1853 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Dermapteroida Kevan & Knipper, 1961
- Dermapteroida Kevan & Knipper, 1961 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Steinmann, 1989c Phylogeny
- Brachydermaptera Kluge, 2003
- Brachydermaptera Kluge, 2003 (synonym of Dermaptera de Geer, 1773)
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Engel & Haas, 2007 Phylogeny
- Dermatoptera Burmeister, 1838 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Harmoptera Fieber, 1852 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Euplexoptera Westwood, 1839 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Labidoura Duméril, 1806 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Trimera Zetterstedt, 1821 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Dermoptera Agassiz, 1848 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Placoda Billberg, 1820 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Euplectoptera Fischer, 1853 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Euplekoptera Westwood, 1831 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Dermapteroida Kevan & Knipper, 1961 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 13.
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Chatzimanolis & Engel, 2010: 106. Key
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Miles, 2015
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Mehdi & Mohamed, 2015 Distribution/Dispersal; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Matzke & Schawaller, 2015 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Matzke, 2015 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Gontijo, Beers & Snyder, 2015 Behavior; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Kemal & Kocak, 2016 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Bethoux, Llamosi & Toussaint, 2016 Description; Phylogeny
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Bidau, Taffarel & Castillo, 2016 Anatomy/Physiology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Xing, Yang, Shih & Ren, 2016 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Silvestre, Dantas, da Rocha, Beltrao-Mendes & Ferrari, 2016 Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Zhang, Shen, Xiong, Han, Qi & Zhang, 2016
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Heneberg, Hesoun & Skuhrovec, 2016 Behavior; Life History
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Choe, Cho, Choi, Lee, Kim, Bang, Eo & Kim, 2016 Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Song, Li, Song & Cai, 2016 Phylogeny
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Naegle, Mugleston, Bybee & Whiting, 2016 Phylogeny
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Wallaschek, 2016 Distribution/Dispersal; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Bogusch, Macek, Jansta, Kubik, Rezac, Holy, Malenovský, Banar, Mikat, Astapenkova & Heneberg, 2016 Life History; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Carrillo, Fu, Jensen & Snyder, 2016
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Kemal & Kocak, 2017 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Lythe, Majer & Stokes, 2017 Behavior; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Eo, Kim, Na, Oh & Park, 2017 Distribution/Dispersal; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Gul, Rehman, Ahmad, Aziz-ud-Din, Jawad, Noureen, Khatoon, Ali & Ashfaq, 2017 Behavior; Economic matters; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Giovacchini, Dragonetti, Farsi & Cianferoni, 2017 Life History; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Malhotra & Singla, 2018 Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Kelly, Ross & Jarzembowski, 2018 Description
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Gontijo, Saldanha, Souza, Viana, Bordin & Antonio, 2018
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Calonge-Camargo & Perez-Torres, 2018
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Fenghour, Lazli, Chagra, Rouaiguia, Bouaguel, Bouguessa, Bouguessa & Houhamdi, 2018 Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Van Kleeck & Holland, 2018 Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Xu, Gao, Gao, Liu, Wu, Wang, Zheng & Wang, 2018 Behavior; Life History; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Matzke, 2018 Distribution/Dispersal; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Wallaschek & Schaefer, 2018 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Wallaschek, 2018 Life History; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Matsumoto, Sato, Inoue & Ohya, 2019 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Miskelly & Paiero, 2019 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Wallaschek, Schaedler & Schaefer, 2020 Distribution/Dispersal
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Wipfler, Koehler, Frandsen, Donath, Liu, Machida, Misof, Peters, Shimizu, Zhou & Simon, 2020 Phylogeny
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Chen, 2021 Key
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Ruehr, van de Kamp, Farago, Hammel, Wilde, Borisova, Edel, Frenzel, Baumbach & Blanke, 2021 Anatomy/Physiology; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Gomes, Toth, Bateman, Francis, Kawahara & Barber, 2021 Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Zheng, Zhou, Li, Tao & Gu, 2021 Distribution/Dispersal; Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Tezcan & Gulpercin, 2022 Ecology
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Hoernig, Haug, Müller & Haug, 2022 Behavior
- Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 in Kamimura, M Karthik & Kalleshwaraswamy, 2023
Nomenclature references (59)
- Agassiz, J.L.R. (1848) Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis: continens nomina systematica classium, omnium, famiiarum et generum animalium omnium, tam viventium quam fossilium: Secundum ordinem alphabeticum unicum disposita, adjetis homonymiis plantarum. Soloduri: Sumtibus et Typis Jent et Gassman.
- Bethoux, O., Llamosi, A. & Toussaint, S. (2016) Reinvestigation of Protelytron permianum (Insecta; Early Permian; USA) as an example for applying reflectance transformation imaging to insect imprint fossils. Fossil Record, 20(1), 1–7. Available at http://www.foss-rec.net/20/1/2016/fr-20-1-2016.pdf
- ... Show all ... (55)
- Bidau, C.J., Taffarel, A. & Castillo, E.R. (2016) Breaking the rule: multiple patterns of scaling of sexual size dimorphism with body size in orthopteroid insects. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 75(1-2), 11–36. Available at https://www.biotaxa.org/RSEA/article/view/22294
- Billberg, G.J. (1820) In Enumeratio insectorum in museo Gust. Joh. Billberg. Stockholm. Stockholm. 138 pp.
- Bogusch, P., Macek, J., Jansta, P., Kubik, S., Rezac, M., Holy, K., Malenovský, I., Banar, P., Mikat, M., Astapenkova, A. & Heneberg, P. (2016) Industrial and post-industrial habitats serve as critical refugia for pioneer species of newly identified arthropod assemblages associated with reed galls. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 25(5), 827–863.
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- Calonge-Camargo, B. & Perez-Torres, J. (2018) Ectoparasites (Polyctenidae, Streblidae, Nycteribiidae) of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from the Caribbean region of Colombia. 9(2), 171–178. Available at http://www.revistas-conacyt.unam.mx/therya/index.php/THERYA/article/view/492/pdf_212
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- Chatzimanolis, S. & Engel, M.S. (2010) Laasbium Scudder: A Genus of Tertiary Earwigs, Not Rove Beetles, and the Classification of Florissant Fossil Dermaptera (Insecta). 60(1), 101–108.
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Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
order | 12 | 1 | 11 |
suborder | 7 | 4 | 3 |
infraorder | 3 | 3 | 0 |
parvorder | 3 | 3 | 0 |
nanorder | 2 | 2 | 0 |
superfamily | 13 | 8 | 5 |
family | 36 | 21 | 15 |
subfamily | 116 | 61 | 55 |
tribe | 4 | 3 | 1 |
genus | 394 | 273 | 121 |
subgenus | 23 | 10 | 13 |
superspecies | 4 | 4 | 0 |
species | 4614 | 2142 | 2472 |
subspecies | 85 | 49 | 36 |