
Isolabis Verhoeff, 1902 type genus of Isolabidinae Verhoeff, 1902

Nomenclature (16)

  • Isolabidinae Verhoeff, 1902: 10.

    type genus Isolabis Verhoeff, 1902

  • Isolabididae Verhoeff, 1902 (not Latin)

    type genus Isolabis Verhoeff, 1902

  • ... Show all ... (12)
  • Isolabinae Verhoeff, 1902 in Steinmann, 1989c: 320.
  • Isolabidinae Verhoeff, 1902 in Engel & Haas, 2007: 4.

Nomenclature references (8)

  • Engel, M.S. & Haas, F. (2007) Family-Group names for Earwigs (Dermaptera). American Museum Novitates, 3567, 1–20.
  • Sakai, S. (1982) A new proposed classification of the Dermaptera with special reference to the check list of the Dermaptera of the world. Daito Bunka University, 20, 1–108.
  • ... Show all ... (4)
  • Steinmann, H. (1975) Suprageneric classification of Dermaptera. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 21, 195–220.
  • Steinmann, H. (1977) A study on the higher taxa of Carcinophoridae (Dermaptera). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 69, 89–99.
  • Steinmann, H. (1978) Zoogeographical dispersity of Carcinophoridae (Dermaptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 25, 173–189.
  • Steinmann, H. (1989b) Dermaptera: Catadermaptera II. Das Tierreich, 105, 505 pp.
  • Steinmann, H. (1989c) World Catalogue of Dermaptera. Series Entomologica, 43, 934 pp.
  • Verhoeff, K. (1902) Über Dermapteren. 2. Aufsatz: Neue ungeflügelte Eudermapteren-Gattungen. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, 1902(1), 2–18. Available at http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/

Descendants and synonyms


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