
Anisolabis Fieber, 1853 type genus of Anisolabidinae Verhoeff, 1902

Nomenclature (36)

  • Gonolabididae Verhoeff, 1902

    type genus Gonolabis Burr, 1900

  • Anisolabidinae Verhoeff, 1902
  • ... Show all ... (32)
  • Psalinae Burr, 1909 (subjective synonym of Anisolabidinae Verhoeff, 1902) in Engel & Haas, 2007: 4.
  • Anisolabidinae Verhoeff, 1902 in Kočárek, 2014: 3. Key

Nomenclature references (22)

  • Bey-Bienko, G. (1936) Insectes Dermaptères. Faune de l'URSS, 239 pp.
  • Brindle, A. (1966) The Dermaptera of Madagascar. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 118(7), 221–259.
  • ... Show all ... (18)
  • Brindle, A. (1970) The Dermaptera of the Solomon Islands. Pacific Insects, 12, 641–700. Available at http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/pi/pdf/12%283%29-641.pdf
  • Brindle, A. (1971) The Dermaptera of Ceylon Report No. 10, Lund University Ceylon Expedition in 1962. Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement, 1, 208–236.
  • Brindle, A. (1971) The Dermaptera of the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm, Part IV. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 92(1-2), 1–27.
  • Burr, M. (1909) Notes on the classification of the Dermaptera. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1909, 320–328. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/103377#page/342/
  • Burr, M. (1911) Dermaptera. In Genera Insectorum. Vol. 122, pp. 112 pp. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/105421/
  • Burr, M. (1915) On the male genital armature of the Dermaptera. Part I: Protodermaptera (except Psalidae). Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, Oct.1915;Ser.2, 413–447.
  • Engel, M.S. & Haas, F. (2007) Family-Group names for Earwigs (Dermaptera). American Museum Novitates, 3567, 1–20.
  • Hincks, W. (1949) The Earwigs (<>) of Argentina. De Acta Zoologica Lilloana del Instituto "Miguel Lillo.", 7, 623–652.
  • Hincks, W. (1954) Report from Professor T Gislen‘s expedition to Australia in 1951-1952. 8. Dermaptera. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift, NF, 50(4), 1–10.
  • Kočárek, P. (2014) Earwigs (Dermaptera) of Socotra Island: checklist, distribution, and description of a new genus and four new species. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae Supplement, 54, 1–21.
  • Popham, E. (1965) A key to dermapteran subfamilies. The Entomologist, 98, 126–136.
  • Sakai, S. (1970) I. Labiduridae and Carcinophoridae. Dermapterorum Catalogus Praeliminaris, 49 pp and 91 pp.
  • Srivastava, G. (1999) On the higher classification of Anisolabididae (Insecta: Dermaptera) with a check-list of genera and species. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 97(Part 1), 73–100.
  • Steinmann, H. (1975) Suprageneric classification of Dermaptera. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 21, 195–220.
  • Steinmann, H. (1977) A study on the higher taxa of Carcinophoridae (Dermaptera). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 69, 89–99.
  • Steinmann, H. (1985) Canarilabis gen. n. for Forficula maxima Brulle, 1838 (Dermaptera: Carcinophoridae). Rovartani Közlemények, 46, 171–173.
  • Steinmann, H. (1989b) Dermaptera: Catadermaptera II. Das Tierreich, 105, 505 pp.
  • Steinmann, H. (1989c) World Catalogue of Dermaptera. Series Entomologica, 43, 934 pp.
  • Verhoeff, K. (1902) Über Dermapteren. 1. Aufsatz. Versuch eines neuen, natürlichen Systems auf vergleichend-morphologischer Grundlage und über den Mikrothorax der Insecten. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 25, 181–209. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/37981#page/195/
  • Verhoeff, K. (1902) Über Dermapteren. 2. Aufsatz: Neue ungeflügelte Eudermapteren-Gattungen. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, 1902(1), 2–18. Available at http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/

Descendants and synonyms


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